Sunday 25 January 2009

Succumbed to Scavengers exclusive

I said I would quit the addiction of picking up the exclusives, but I could not resist the price tag of $15 for Tenacious Toy's exclusive series 1 Scavenger, "Silver Winston".

Noferin's Pecanpal complete set of 5

And here they are, all five of them together.

Pecan and pet 'elephy'

Jac Jac & Pandacake

Fanelli & Claudius
Thank you Noferin for the prints !

You can expect a couple of variants of these little creatures in due time. Say, coming in different wood finish? Awesome!

Friday 9 January 2009

Noferin's Pecanpals debut

I am delighted to tell the world that I woke up at 5am that day and successfully scored a full set of Noferin's Pecanpals. It was about time they released these very much anticipated creatures. These obviously did very well on their debut as they were sold out in a little less than a day.

I believe, these shall become one of those very much loved toys. Look at them! They make such good models for photography.

Those who have purchased will be seeing them at their door in the next two weeks.

Good job Noferin!

Dan May Custom Mellow

I was at the post office yesterday to pick up a highly anticipated package from the States. The commission has been going on for a while and it is worth all the wait. An awesome journey if I may add to that.

So here it is, the package (some yet to be photographed):

Dan May went as far as to made a once-off print of my favourite painting of his, which unfortunately the current owner has no plan of letting go.

Dan May has an upcoming solo show entitled "Slow Collision" at
Copro Nason, opening 7th February 2009. Check out his flickr page for more.

Wednesday 7 January 2009

Kickstart to the new year: Kelly Vivanco Custom Mellow

I did not realize I have been away from blogging for about two months. Just hard to keep up when you get further away from where all the arts and sources are. Since returning home to this part of the world, I have been pre-occupied with, say, more important matters.

Another big year for me this year, I can already smell the things coming at me. Expect lots of changes, good changes I hope.

As for customs, I am waiting on the completion of two remaining Mellows by artists yet to be revealed. For now, allow me to humbly show you my latest piece by the great Kelly Vivanco.

I got a big surprise for my last commission, that'll come in due time. Also planned a photography session for these customs, got some people I met through my old mates that are interested in taking these art pieces.

Happy New Year people.