Monday 19 May 2008

Dok A upcoming solo

It was good seeing the Dok at the RGG show on Saturday in Manchester, particularly if you tell him you were one of the guys who commissioned him previously. He would go on and tell you the sort of trouble your piece had given him, jokingly. :)

"Your Dumb Luck keeps falling over" , "I was staring at him for quite some time to get ideas".

We were shown the Mechtorians from his camera, they look fantastic. I was thinking of enticing him to do me another custom, but I scrapped the idea knowing that he wouldn't fall for that. That was when I realized the Mr. Head I purchased did not have a turn key, as the one in the Dok's camera has. I went through the box it came in and found it lying there - forgotten. Geez...

Sneakpeak of his upcoming solo show, Retropolis

I am sure this is most likely a large version of Stephen Le Pod?


Rivet said...

The anticipation of the preview list is killing some people. :) hehe

nick + said...

you betcha!
good on ya to be first to see the stuff! By the way, may I compliment you on the job well-done so far.