Wednesday 6 August 2008

that elusive rare Boris by Pete Fowler

Just feeling a slight nostalgia in the air tonight. I probably have not spoken and you probably would not have the slightest idea. Vinyls or designer toys wise, James Jarvis's King Ken and Pete Fowler's Boris were my first attempt on this inreversible toy-collecting addiction.

It all happened when I met a fellow collector through a local community toy forum. He is from Singapore, and being from Singapore meant he had access to designer vinyls. The scene was still real slow back then, nobody wanted the Grey King Ken.

Then came along the Orange and White King Kens, I naturally got really drawn towards these. I managed to pick up a White and it became the holy grail of my collection ever since. In time, I got both the blue and regular brown Boris but never got around getting the extremely hard to-come-by Light Brown Boris.

I ended up selling all the Boris, since I could not lay my hands on the chase.

that rare Boris (right), vinyldefects's collection

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